Quality Committee |
Chair |
Prof. Dr. Oğuzhan ÇOLAKKADIOĞLU |
Department of Social Work |
+90 328 827 10 00-4235 |
colakkadioglu@osmaniye.edu.tr |
colakkadioglu@korkutata.edu.tr |
Member |
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Zeynep TEKİN BABUÇ |
Department of Social Work |
+90 328 827 10 00-4233 |
zeyneptekinbabuc@osmaniye.edu.tr |
zeyneptekinbabuc@korkutata.edu.tr |
Member |
Assistant Professor Canan BÜYÜKAŞIK ÇOLAK |
Department of Social Work |
+90 328 827 10 00-4236 |
canancolak@osmaniye.edu.tr |
canancolak@korkutata.edu.tr |
Updated 06.10.2024 11:33:33
Görüntülenme Sayısı: 261