2022-2023 Academic Year Orientation Program Held...
- Our University
- 2022-2023 Academic Year Orientation Program Held.....

The 2022-2023 Academic Year orientation program was held in our faculty on September 21-23, 2022. In the first session of the orientation program, the Rector and Vice Rectors, Dean and Vice Deans, Department Heads and Vice Department Heads, and Osmaniye Korkut Ata University (OKÜ) were introduced. |
In the second session, distance education unit, student information system, external relations unit were introduced, information was given about Erasmus, Farabi, Mevlana exchange programs and how to obtain a Student E-mail was explained. In the third session, information was given about passing a class, attendance regulation, exemption procedures, university rules and discipline regulation, horizontal transfer-vertical transfer, double major, minor, exam procedures, ID card, course registration within the scope of OKÜ Associate and Undergraduate Education Regulation. |
In the fourth session, social facilities, sports facilities, dining halls and canteens, health facilities and student clubs were introduced. In the fifth session, psychological counseling unit, disabled student unit were introduced. Information was given on part-time work, transportation, accommodation, scholarships, student groups, student council and the city's social and cultural facilities, library and using the library. |
In the last session, the orientation program was concluded by introducing the faculty members of the relevant department, providing a brief history of the departments, their physical conditions and facilities, student numbers, courses and their contents, and information about job opportunities after graduation. |