Description of Program:

Postal services program provide two-year education. This program opened by Post and Telegraph Organization (PTT) in Osmaniye Korkut Ata University Osmaniye Vocational College with the title of Postal Services as well as vocational colleges in other universities is a program branch aiming at meeting Postman (Carrier) requirements of Post and Telegraph Organization. 

Definition of Member of Profession

As a requirement of theoretical and applied education received in post services department, he can work as a postman in PTT based on his success points obtained from KPSS exam or with cargo companies other than PTT. Or if he is not content with himself, he can establish and operate a carrier or cargo company in line with information obtained from this department on condition that he does not act in violation of codes of conduct.

History of Program
This department that started to accept students in 2009 according to an agreement signed between Osmaniye Korkut Ata University and Posta Telgraf Teşkilatı (PTT) was founded to meet postmen requirements of PTT and to ensure that they carry out their services in the best manner.
Vision of program
To become a recognized, visible, pioneer and exemplary postal services associate degree program that prevails information age.

Mission of program
Providing postal services associate degree that is in harmony with international modern education process; generating information that will continue education, research and development events; transferring information that is produced; raising qualified and effective postmen who can transfer theory to application and produce the best solution for postal service problems and abide by professional codes of conduct.  

Values of program
- Explaining upon requests of persons why something has been done and/or has not been done,

-       Carrying out their existing or future works in a manner that will not contradict with the rules of law,

-       Being deviating from the truth and not misleading people,

-       Tolerating opinions, values, life styles and personalities of each other,

-       Being open to new and different service approaches in the framework of rules of law,

-       Feeling responsible for our works and being disciplinary,

-       Being kind and respectful in terms of our attitudes and behaviors to each other.

Terms of acceptance to program
Students who are in the scope of Accounting Department in trade vocational high schools are placed DIRECTLY to our associate degree program without being subject to any EXAM.

Students who graduate from departments other than the departments determined for open admission of vocational high schools or graduates/potential graduates of general high schools will be placed to open programs according to their wishes and ÖSS points with additional placement if there are vacancies at the end of open admission. These persons must take Student Selection Examination (ÖSS) held by Presidency of Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM) and adequate Equal Weight (EA) points.

Terms for graduation from program

Graduation terms for postal services program depend on the following conditions:
To take all courses required for the graduation within the periods defined in relevant regulation and to complete the program that he has been taking with at least 2.00 weighted grade point average on condition that he is successful at all courses taken

*Internship for 30 work days is compulsory.

Postal services are considered a special form of transport and distribution services that ensure transporting dispatches from one place to another and the most fundamental difference that distinguishes postal services from other distribution services is said to be the fact that postal services are based on the principle of distributing dispatches that bear an address regularly and according to a schedule within a public network.


Postal services cover personal letters, greeting cards, invoices, handouts and other personal communication tools. Undoubtedly, postal services play an important role in daily life in terms of ensuring communication between persons across the world.
Although new communication technologies such as internet have emerged, revenue obtained from postal services constitutes one of the fastest growing segments. Although electronic payments increase rapidly, the number of documents such as invoices that are sent to houses also increases. For example, 63% of people in the USA prefer printed invoices for their payments as of 2008. One of the important characteristics that distinguish postal services from electricity and telecommunication is that it is not possible to separate physical network from services provided over this network.

“General Directorate of PTT that provides service in the field of "mail", "bank" and "logistics" and is under a constant transformation offers a high quality service network with its around 4.000 workplaces that provide online service, 37.000 personnel and a fleet of 5.600 vehicles that are constantly renewed and reach every corner of our country. General Directorate of PTT works based on quality management system and builds its management understanding on a system where all units work hand in hand, units, where errors are minimized, are kept dynamic, innovation is the objective and every change is rapidly adapted. It puts innovations brought by the technology in service with utmost care and deliberation. Hybrid Mail that is one of these innovations was commissioned actually in January 2010.




It delivers collective dispatches such as invoices, insurance policies, bank extracts, greeting cards, brochures and celebration cards submitted by organizations, institutions and natural persons to postal enterprises by using PP stamp and fee payment machine by taking them from customers on electronic environment and transferring them, after data processing, to printing centers that are the closest to the destination on electronic medium in the most reliable and fast manner and after they are printed and enveloped, by delivering them to their recipients in the quickest way. Dispatches that are printed by a system that has a strong infrastructure and uses advanced technology in printing centers located in Ankara, Istanbul, İzmir, Mersin and Erzurum are delivered to their recipients in a shorter way and accurately.


The history of legislation on postal services in our country started by the law regulating the establishment of PTT and legislation today can only address PTT. There are deficiencies in the legislation concerning regulating and auditing existing market structure. Ministry of Transport is responsible for the industry. However, law and secondary regulation drafts concerning the industry are formed with great contributions of PTT. Since a national regulatory authority does not exist, PTT serves both as the operator and the regulator in the market. In other words, does not only PTT operate in the market but also regulates the market, where it operates, like Türk Telekom before Telecommunication Authority (new title: Information and Communication Technologies Authority) that is the independent administrative authority unique to the telecommunication industry was established.

PTT provides service from 4.112 points in total with 1.056 centers, 2.226 branches and 830 agencies as of the end of 2010. Additionally, PTT has 20 mail processing centers, 11 PTT cargo processing centers and 8516 general directorates. PTT provides service across the country with its 36.900 personnel, including 28.244 permanent and contracted personnel, employees at the status of workers and company employees (outsource) and its vehicle park that is composed of 753 vehicles.



Industry and business world need well-educated and qualified postal service personnel and specialists. Theoretical courses especially on postal legislation and service and applied training on postal machines and other instruments and machines are provided in the scope of postal services program. There is one laboratory belonging to this department in our school. Communication is crucial for all industries today. Especially dependence on public in communication network offers various business opportunities in terms of telegraph, mail and cargo transport.

Our graduates work primarily in PTT organizations and institutions. Graduates of Postal Services Program work primarily in PTT organizations and institutions. Students who graduate from the program that provides public employment are appointed to Republic of Turkey Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communication especially in Ankara, İzmir and Istanbul if they can exceed minimum required marks from Public Personnel Selection Examination. General Directorate of PTT offers monetary postal pay desk services and service-delivery transactions through public servants. It performs cleaning, security, cargo/courier dispatch services and distribution and delivery services related to registered and unregistered dispatches (special) by service procurement from private organizations.


Article 7/A - (Additional article: 11/01/2011-6099 S.K./Article 2) 
The person who provides an electronic address eligible for service and wants the service to be made to such address is served electronically. It is compulsory to make electronic notification to joint stock companies, limited companies and companies limited by shares. If notification cannot be served electronically due to any imperative reason pursuant to the provisions of the first and second paragraph, service is made according to other procedures specified in this Law.

Electronic service is deemed to be made at the end of the fifth day following the date when it reaches to the electronic address of the recipient. Procedures and principles on the execution of this article are set by the regulation.

ARTICLE  28 – (1)   In acceptation of Fast Service, barcode with “HT” symbol or one starting with “30–39”  is used and barcode number is taken as acceptance number.  Follow is made by means of these symbols in automation system. During the acceptance, a label stating that it is Fast Service is adhered on the notification document, seal is imposed or handwriting is carried out. Head directorate allows the requesting persons and institutions to have labels or seals that comply with specimen.
(2)  The senders make  application in order to get use of Fast Service through http://www.ptt.gov.tr web page, by calling Cal Center 444 1 788) or by visiting any PTT workplace.
(3) No Fast Service with destinations which are places being subject to village distribution being outside the city distribution area is accepted. However, the acceptance is made with a reservation by writing annotation that PTT shall not be liable for delay and by obtaining signature on the notification for which insistence is continued by the sender of the said notification. Such service principles are used up to the workplace that is open for Fast Service, afterwards, other postal legislation provisions are applied. 
(4)  In case where the Fast Services that are under the same province distribution field but which shall not catch the distribution hour and Fast Services of which delivery shall be provided between provinces are requested to be accepted after postal forwarding hour, these requests are accepted with a reservation record by obtaining an annotation stating “PTT is not liable for delay”.
(5)  A part of the barcode label, which is adhered to Fast Service, which was brought to our workplace by means of bodies authorized to issue Service document with lodgement list, is adhered to lodgement list.

(6) After the lodgement list which is issued in two copies by means of system in our workplace and applied with date stamp, its one copy is sent to the sender and its other copy after it is signed and applied with date is kept in workplace by being attached to the lodgement list brought by the issuing party. The requesting persons and corporations are given barcode interval for allowing them to have bar-coded Service envelope printed.
(7)  It is possible to accept the Services of persons and corporations stating to want to give many Fast Services from their addresses.


9099 Postal Services

·         8222  Logistic Management

·         5130  Transportation and  Logistic

·         3354  International  Logistic

·         8888  International Logistic and Transportation

·         9110  International Logistic Management

·         9282  International Trade and Finance

·         5131  International Trade and Financing

·         3356  International Trade and Business Administration

·         9009  International Trade and Logistic

·         4393  International Trade and Logistic Management


High School Departments for which it is possible to obtain right to have education by means of pass without exam/together with Secondary Education Area Codes are :
1018- A- Group  (Commercial High School –Science )
1381- Maritime and Port Management
1107- Banking
1396- Foreign  Trade
3868- Computer Aided Accountancy 
3324- Real Estate Brokerage
3318- Stock Exchange Services
1657- General Services ( Railway)
1396- Foreign  Trade
1814- Business Administration
1814- Business Administration (Railway)
2143- Accountancy
4918- Accountancy, Financing and Marketing 
4396- Accountancy and  Financing
4526- Marketing
4422- Marketing and Retail 
4024- Sales  Management and Advertising
3351- Insurance Business
4532- Insurance Business and Risk Management
2645- Facility Management
2693- Trade
2871- Those having graduated from Commercial High Schools when there was no branch distinction      
4505- Transportation Services  
Duration: 2 years



Görüntülenme Sayısı: 97