Mathematics is a common language that forms the basis of all positive sciences, develops reasoning and decision-making skills and scientific and independent thinking. Besides it is the the basis of the whole science, mathematics itself also has many applications. In today's world, where the knowledge and science is rapidly gaining value and they are re-shaping the technology, science and industry, there is a need for qualified personnel equipped with math and computer skills who can establish the cause-effect relationship, analyze, model and solve complex problems.

Our Mathematics Department aims to be able  to equip our students with a strong mathematical background to support their finding solutions to today's and tomorrow's math problems associated with students' curiosity, creativity, use of technology in mathematics skills and the correct, logical, aims to develop independent and intuitive thinking skills.

Our department, in order to achieve these goals, help the students grow their theoretical or application of their choice according to their own interests and abilities in the first two years, through the basic and elective courses offered. The education about the worldwide commonly used computer programs also adequately and intensely offered. Our licensing program consists of several theoretical and applicable classes for the students who want to continue their theoretical work in this field and for the advanced students who want to study through the masters or doctoral level. We offer our successful students "minor" and "double major" programs and also "Farabi" and "Erasmus" exchange programs. Also just to not result in a mathematics and computer education and training, we try to give the cultural values of our country, respecting the environment and the universal values of humanity to our students so that they become socially advanced individuals. To this end, social and cultural weight classes and activities take place in our program.

Students who have completed the four-year undergraduate program in mathematics acquire the title "Mathematician", and they are eligible to

· become a lecturer in the universities' Mathematics and/or Computer Departments after completing their doctoral studies,

· work at various government and private sector organizations, such as the Ministries, the Turkey Statistics Institute (TurkStat), banks, financial institutions, insurance industry,

· work at the Data Processing Centers or in other units,

· receive Pedagogical training to become teachersat the secondary schools and Anatolian high schools and colleges; especially private foreign language education colleges in which "Math teacher branch" graduates may work.

Although this program is located in some of the universities in Mathematics or Mathematics and Computer Science in Engineering, the most accurate name as it is internationally recognized is the "Department of Mathematics".

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